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Consider These Benefits of Hemp Oil

Feb 02, 2021
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For thousands of years, people have turned to hemp oil to address a wide range of mental and physical health problems. From addressing arthritis to anxiety, here’s a look at a few of the many benefits of hemp oil.

Hemp oil isn’t new to health care and has been used for millennia to treat everything from anxiety to arthritis, with great success. 

Recognizing its potential role in pain management, our team here at Commonwealth Pain & Spine is pleased to offer our own line of broad spectrum CBD (cannabidiol) hemp extracts

To give you a better idea of the potential uses for our CBD hemp products, we’ve pulled together a list of some of its many benefits when it comes to your health.

Working with your own systems

Your body contains an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a complex cell-signaling network that influences a wide range of functions, including:

  • Sleep
  • Mood
  • Inflammation
  • Appetite
  • Fertility
  • Pain
  • Memory

With our CBD hemp products, the CBD component works with your ECS system by binding to your cannabinoid receptors to influence cell signaling. In other words, this approach to your health is one that works with your body’s own systems for better health from the inside out.

While research is still ongoing, the anti-inflammatory and pain-relief effects of CBD have been a boon for people who suffer from chronic pain conditions like arthritis. In fact, the Arthritis Foundation reports that, “Anecdotally, some people with arthritis who have tried CBD, but not all, report noticeable pain relief, sleep improvement, and/or anxiety reduction.”

Beyond CBD

Beyond the all-important CBD component in our hemp products, they also contain other highly beneficial ingredients, including:

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Problems with system-wide inflammation can lead to some very serious health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and asthma. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids combat inflammation throughout your body, which can help you avoid or improve these conditions.

Amino acid arginine

This amino acid can play a role in improving your cardiovascular function.

Vitamin C

Hemp oil also contains vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system.

In addition to the ingredients we list above, hemp oil also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, all of which support your health.

Finding the right hemp product

Before we offered our line of broad spectrum CBD hemp extracts, we did a significant amount of research to ensure that our patients have access to professional-grade products. First, our products contain 99+% pure CBD isolate and no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.

Also, we use only the most pure and effective ingredients available, which are tested by a third party using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in an ISO-certified lab to ensure consistency of quality and potency.

For ease of use, our CBD hemp products come in several different forms, including topical pump sprays, drops, and gummies.

If you’d like to learn more about how our CBD hemp products can help relieve your pain and inflammation, contact one of our 16 locations.